Flu, or influenza is a contagious disease caused by influenza virus. If you have high fever (39-40 ºC), headache, severe cough, extreme fatigue, aches and pain, you may have flu. Unlike a common cold, flu causes severe illness and life-threatening complications in many people.。
When is the best time to get a flu vaccination?。
Vaccination should happen before the flu season every year when the new vaccine becomes available, but it will never be too late to get vaccinated even during the flu season.。
Is the flu vaccine safe?。
The vaccine will not give you flu. It contains noninfectious killed virus, but merely alerts the body to the threat of the virus.。
Flu vaccines are well tolerated and safe. The most frequently associated reaction is mild soreness at the injection site that can last for 24 to 48 hours.。
What will flu vaccination do for me?。
- Life-saving for people at risk。
- Avoidance of illness and hospitalization。
- Avoidance of absenteeism from work or spoiling holidays。
- Reduction of the risk of transmitting flu to family members, friends or co-workers。
- 减低高危人仕由流感引至的死亡率。
- 避免因流感而生病入院。
- 避免因流感而不能上班、上学、甚至浪费计划好了的宝贵假期。
- 减少把流感病毒传给家人、朋友或同事的机会。
Why should I get a flu shot every year?。
The flu viruses are constantly changing. Generally, new influenza virus strains circulate every flu season, so each year, before flu season, the most active viruses are identified by WHO and included in a new vaccine formula in order to offer the best protection.。
Who is at high risk of developing complications?。
Some people are at an increased risk of developing life threatening complications if they contact flu, e.g. the elderly, adults and children who have diabetes, asthma, and chronic heart, lung and kidney disease.。
Who is not suitable for vaccination?。
People who are hypersensitive to active substances, to any of the excipients, to eggs, chicken proteins, neomycin, formaldehyde and octoxinol 9. Immunisation should be postponed in patients with febrile illness or acute infection. 。
猪流感有生命危险吗?猪流感Q&A 中英文。
Q&A: Swine flu。
What is swine flu?猪流感是什么。
It is a contagious respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses. Pigs are hit by regular outbreaks. There are many different types of swine flu and the current cases involve the H1N1 strain of type A influenza virus.。
How do humans catch it?。
While people do not normally catch it, humans can contract the virus, usually if they have been in close contact with pigs. It is also possible for the constantly changing infection to spread from person to person, which has happened in the latest outbreak. Experts believe it spreads in the same way as seasonal flu - through coughing and sneezing.。
What are the symptoms?猪流感的症状是什么?
The symptoms of swine influenza in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza infection and include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, coughing and sore throat. Some people with swine flu have also reported vomiting and diarrhoea.。
What is the difference between swine flu, avian flu and the flu commonly seen in the UK during the winter?猪流感和禽流感的区别,以及与冬天的流感区别?
Influenza viruses are commonly circulating in the human and animal environment, with different strains causing illness in humans, bird and pigs. Seasonal influenza is caused by viruses that are adapted to spread in humans. Humans have some natural immunity to the strains that are in common circulation, and this immunity can be boosted by immunisation with a vaccine. Avian influenza is caused by influenza viruses adapted for infection in birds. Similarly, swine influenza is caused by influenza viruses adapted for infection in pigs. These illnesses all cause the same respiratory symptoms in sufferers and can be passed between one another.。
How dangerous is it?猪流感有多危险?
More than 80 people have died and thousands made ill, in Mexico in particular, although cases have also been reported in the US and New Zealand. However, testing has shown that the antiviral drugs oseltamavir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) appear to be effective against the human swine influenza H1N1 strain,。
Why should we be worried about it?我们为什么要担心猪流感?
The World Health Organisation warned the outbreak had "pandemic potential" and countries were advised to step up surveillance and preparation in case the infection spreads rapidly. Flu viruses have the ability to change and mutate, making it difficult for drugs manufacturers to ensure effective vaccines are available. The new version of the H1N1 virus is a mix of different animal and human versions of the disease. Mixing can lead to the development of changed viruses to which humans have little immunity.。
What is a pandemic?什么叫流行病?
If the flu spreads over a wide geographic area and affects a large proportion of the population it goes beyond an epidemic and becomes a pandemic. According to the Health Protection Agency, an influenza pandemic is defined as a new or novel influenza virus that spreads easily between humans. When new influenza viruses are introduced into the environment, humans do not have any natural immunity to protect against them. Therefore, there is a risk that that new influenza viruses could develop into a pandemic if the virus passes easily from human-to-human.。
Will it spread to the UK?猪流感会传播到英国么?
It is too early to say whether the cases reported so far will lead to a larger outbreak, the HPA said. No cases have been reported in the UK although experts are monitoring the situation closely. Anyone who has recently returned from affected countries should consult a doctor if they notice flu-like symptoms.。
What is being done in the UK to prevent the infection?英国目前怎样预防?
The HPA said it is working with the UK government to review the current incident and any threat it poses to UK public health. It advised people to follow general infection control practices and good hygiene to reduce transmission of all viruses. This includes covering their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, disposing of dirty tissues promptly and carefully, washing hands frequently with soap and water and cleaning surfaces which are regularly touched.。
英文:swine influenza 。
英文简称:swine flu 。
[编辑本段]猪患猪流感的症状以及防治 。
人们通常从受感染的猪感染上猪流感,然而,有些病例并没有和猪,或猪存在过的环境的接触。在一些程度下,人和人 的接触会导致传播,但仅限于密切接触和封闭的人群。
有两种类别药品, 1) adamantanes (adamantanes和remantadine ) ,和2 )流感的神经氨酸酶抑制剂(达菲oseltamivir 和扎那米韦 zanamivir) 。
•联系你的医生或保健提供者,然后前往就诊,报告你的症状。解释为什么你认为你有猪流感(例如,最近前往一个国 家,在人群中有猪流感爆发)。根据他提供的意见进行治疗。
[编辑本段]“猪”流感疫情爆发历史 。
1918年西班牙流感(Spanish Flu),H1N1病毒,首发于1917年的澳大利亚,影响了包括欧洲、北冰洋和太平洋地区等世界很多地方。死亡人数据估计5千万人。
[编辑本段]2009年猪流感疫情动态 。
据世界卫生组织通报,美国和墨西哥发生人感染A/H1N1猪流感疫情。自2009年3月18日以来,墨西哥流感样病例呈上升趋势。截至4月28日,墨西哥先后发生3起疫情,共报告病例三千多例,死亡103例,病死率7%. 。
[编辑本段]猪流感简介 引起的呼吸系统疾病。猪流感由甲型流感病毒(A型流感病毒)引发,通常爆发于猪之间,传染性很高但通常不会引发死亡。秋冬季属高发期,但全年可传播。猪流感多被辨识为丙型流感病毒(C型流感病毒),或者是甲型流感病毒的亚种之一。该病毒可在猪群中造成流感暴发。通常情况下人类很少感染猪流感病毒。
猪流感有很多个不同的品种,计有:H1N1、H1N2、H3N1、H3N2和H2N3亚型的甲型流感 。
防治措施本病无有效疫苗和特效疗法,重要的是良好的护理及保持猪舍清洁、干燥、温暖、无贼风袭击。供给充足的清洁饮水,康复的头几天,饲料要限制供给。在发病中不得骚扰或移动病猪,以减少应激死亡 。
流行特点 各个年龄、性别和品种的猪对本病毒都有易感性。本病的流行有明显的季节性,天气多变的秋末、早春和寒冷的冬季易发生。本病传播迅速,常呈地方性流行或大流行。本病发病率高,死亡率低(4%~10%)。病猪和带毒猪是猪流感的传染源,患病痊愈后猪带毒6~8周。
临床特征 本病潜伏期很短,几小时到数天,自然发病时平均为4天。发病初期病猪体温突然升高至40.3~41.5℃,厌食或食欲废绝,极度虚弱乃至虚脱,常卧地。呼吸急促、腹式呼吸、阵发性咳嗽。从眼和鼻流出粘液,鼻分泌物有时带血。病猪挤卧在一起,难以移动,触摸肌肉僵硬、疼痛,出现膈肌痉挛,呼吸顿挫,一般称这为打嗝儿。如有继发感染,则病势加重,发生纤维素性出血性肺炎或肠炎。母猪在怀孕期感染,产下的仔猪在产后2~5天发病很重,有些在哺乳期及断奶前后死亡。
病理变化 猪流感的病理变化主要在呼吸器官。鼻、咽、喉、气管和支气管的粘膜充血、肿胀,表面覆有粘稠的液体,小支气管和细支气管内充满泡沫样渗出液。胸腔、心包腔蓄积大量混有纤维素的浆液。肺脏的病变常发生于尖叶、心叶、叶间叶、膈叶的背部与基底部,与周围组织有明显的界限,颜色由红至紫,塌陷、坚实,韧度似皮革,脾脏肿大,颈部淋巴结、纵膈淋巴结、支气管淋巴结肿大多汁。
截至2009年4月27日墨西哥疑似感染死亡81人诊断 。
1. 及时隔离,栏圈、饲具要用2%火碱溶液消毒、剩料剩水深埋或无公害化处理,在猪的饲粮中加入0.05%的盐酸吗啉胍(病毒灵)饲喂1周。
猪流行性感冒由猪流感病毒引起,多突然发病,体温40-41.℃,呼吸困难,咳嗽,眼鼻流出浆性液体,一周内可康复.治疗:①百尔定注射液4-6ml肌肉注射;或安乃近注射液4-1Oml肌肉注射,每天一次.②酵母片20-60片、人工盐10-30g,共研成末混入饲料喂饲,每天一次,连用3天. 。
Swine flu has yet to escalate into a global pandemic, but here's what to do if it does。
5 Ways to Protect Yourself (and Others) from Swine Flu。
Experts say that the steps you should take to shield yourself from swine flu are not much different than those you might take to ward off seasonal flu。
1. Don't touch your face。
Above all, keep your hands away from your eyes, mouth and nose, all of which serve as pathways for the virus to enter your respiratory tract, says Allison Aiello, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan School of Public Health in Ann Arbor。
2. Wash your hands。
If you must touch your face, scrub your hands, getting under the fingernails and inside all crevices, for 20 to 30 seconds with hot soap and water beforehand, Aiello says. "In addition to dislodging dirt that may contain virus particles, soaps contain surfactants [the primary components of detergents] which can damage the lipid [fat] protecting virus particles," she explains. Soap should therefore be effective against all flu viruses。
3. Use a hand sanitizer。
No sink nearby? Then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, Aiello advises. About a quarter-size spot, rubbed all over the hands until the sanitizer evaporates (usually 10 to 15 seconds), should do it. Alcohol can inactivate viruses by destroying the structure of their proteins, she notes。
4. Cover your nose and mouth。
When someone sneezes or coughs, liquid droplets packing flu viruses can travel as far as three feet (one meter) through the air and descend on your nose or mouth, so it's best to maintain at least an arm's-length distance when talking to someone who shows signs of infection, says Louise Dembry, director of epidemiology at Yale–New Haven Hospital in Connecticut. And to protect others, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and clean your hands afterward, she says, noting that viruses can remain infectious for hours, if not longer, when they linger on the skin or other surfaces such as keyboards and subway poles。
5. Consider buying a mask in case you need it in the future。
From press photos, it seems that Mexico's entire population has donned surgical masks, but the verdict is still out on how effective they are in stemming the spread of flu, according to Aiello. Some research suggests that masks—either the surgical variety or respirators called N95's specially designed to filter out water droplets containing viruses—reduce the risk of contracting the flu or other respiratory pathogens by as much as 80 percent, but research by Aiello's team suggests that masks do little unless used in conjunction with diligent hand washing。
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is "extremely limited" data on the effectiveness of face masks and respirators for blocking flu spread in communities. The agency suggests, however, that people consider using them when it's impossible to avoid "crowded settings or close contact with others" in areas where swine flu transmission has been confirmed: face masks for crowded places and respirators for situations that involve close contact with people who have respiratory infections (caring for a sick family member, for example)。
参考资料: http://www.rr365.com/english/200905/english_21262.html。
Swine flu has yet to escalate into a global pandemic, but here's what to do if it does。
5 Ways to Protect Yourself (and Others) from Swine Flu。
Experts say that the steps you should take to shield yourself from swine flu are not much different than those you might take to ward off seasonal flu。
1. Don't touch your face。
Above all, keep your hands away from your eyes, mouth and nose, all of which serve as pathways for the virus to enter your respiratory tract, says Allison Aiello, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan School of Public Health in Ann Arbor。
2. Wash your hands。
If you must touch your face, scrub your hands, getting under the fingernails and inside all crevices, for 20 to 30 seconds with hot soap and water beforehand, Aiello says. "In addition to dislodging dirt that may contain virus particles, soaps contain surfactants [the primary components of detergents] which can damage the lipid [fat] protecting virus particles," she explains. Soap should therefore be effective against all flu viruses。
3. Use a hand sanitizer。
No sink nearby? Then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, Aiello advises. About a quarter-size spot, rubbed all over the hands until the sanitizer evaporates (usually 10 to 15 seconds), should do it. Alcohol can inactivate viruses by destroying the structure of their proteins, she notes。
4. Cover your nose and mouth。
When someone sneezes or coughs, liquid droplets packing flu viruses can travel as far as three feet (one meter) through the air and descend on your nose or mouth, so it's best to maintain at least an arm's-length distance when talking to someone who shows signs of infection, says Louise Dembry, director of epidemiology at Yale–New Haven Hospital in Connecticut. And to protect others, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and clean your hands afterward, she says, noting that viruses can remain infectious for hours, if not longer, when they linger on the skin or other surfaces such as keyboards and subway poles。
5. Consider buying a mask in case you need it in the future。
From press photos, it seems that Mexico's entire population has donned surgical masks, but the verdict is still out on how effective they are in stemming the spread of flu, according to Aiello. Some research suggests that masks—either the surgical variety or respirators called N95's specially designed to filter out water droplets containing viruses—reduce the risk of contracting the flu or other respiratory pathogens by as much as 80 percent, but research by Aiello's team suggests that masks do little unless used in conjunction with diligent hand washing。
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is "extremely limited" data on the effectiveness of face masks and respirators for blocking flu spread in communities. The agency suggests, however, that people consider using them when it's impossible to avoid "crowded settings or close contact with others" in areas where swine flu transmission has been confirmed: face masks for crowded places and respirators for situations that involve close contact with people who have respiratory infections (caring for a sick family member, for example)。
参考资料: http://www.rr365.com/english/200905/english_21262.html。
What is swine flu?猪流感是什么 。
It is a contagious respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses. Pigs are hit by regular outbreaks. There are many different types of swine flu and the current cases involve the H1N1 strain of type A influenza virus. 。
How do humans catch it? 。
While people do not normally catch it, humans can contract the virus, usually if they have been in close contact with pigs. It is also possible for the constantly changing infection to spread from person to person, which has happened in the latest outbreak. Experts believe it spreads in the same way as seasonal flu - through coughing and sneezing. 。
What are the symptoms?猪流感的症状是什么?
The symptoms of swine influenza in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza infection and include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, coughing and sore throat. Some people with swine flu have also reported vomiting and diarrhoea. 。
What is the difference between swine flu, avian flu and the flu commonly seen in the UK during the winter?猪流感和禽流感的区别,以及与冬天的流感区别?
Influenza viruses are commonly circulating in the human and animal environment, with different strains causing illness in humans, bird and pigs. Seasonal influenza is caused by viruses that are adapted to spread in humans. Humans have some natural immunity to the strains that are in common circulation, and this immunity can be boosted by immunisation with a vaccine. Avian influenza is caused by influenza viruses adapted for infection in birds. Similarly, swine influenza is caused by influenza viruses adapted for infection in pigs. These illnesses all cause the same respiratory symptoms in sufferers and can be passed between one another. 。
How dangerous is it?猪流感有多危险?
More than 80 people have died and thousands made ill, in Mexico in particular, although cases have also been reported in the US and New Zealand. However, testing has shown that the antiviral drugs oseltamavir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) appear to be effective against the human swine influenza H1N1 strain, 。
Why should we be worried about it?我们为什么要担心猪流感?
The World Health Organisation warned the outbreak had "pandemic potential" and countries were advised to step up surveillance and preparation in case the infection spreads rapidly. Flu viruses have the ability to change and mutate, making it difficult for drugs manufacturers to ensure effective vaccines are available. The new version of the H1N1 virus is a mix of different animal and human versions of the disease. Mixing can lead to the development of changed viruses to which humans have little immunity. 。
What is a pandemic?什么叫流行病?
If the flu spreads over a wide geographic area and affects a large proportion of the population it goes beyond an epidemic and becomes a pandemic. According to the Health Protection Agency, an influenza pandemic is defined as a new or novel influenza virus that spreads easily between humans. When new influenza viruses are introduced into the environment, humans do not have any natural immunity to protect against them. Therefore, there is a risk that that new influenza viruses could develop into a pandemic if the virus passes easily from human-to-human. 。
Will it spread to the UK?猪流感会传播到英国么?
It is too early to say whether the cases reported so far will lead to a larger outbreak, the HPA said. No cases have been reported in the UK although experts are monitoring the situation closely. Anyone who has recently returned from affected countries should consult a doctor if they notice flu-like symptoms. 。
What is being done in the UK to prevent the infection?英国目前怎样预防?
The HPA said it is working with the UK government to review the current incident and any threat it poses to UK public health. It advised people to follow general infection control practices and good hygiene to reduce transmission of all viruses. This includes covering their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, disposing of dirty tissues promptly and carefully, washing hands frequently with soap and water and cleaning surfaces which are regularly touched.。