
问题描述:求一篇日本动漫论文 800字 大家好,小编来为大家解答以下问题,一个有趣的事情,一个有趣的事情,现在让我们一起来看看吧!





然而,就在不久前,据《广电总局关于进一步规范电视动画片播出管理的通知》,自2006年9月1日起,全国各级电视台所有频道在每天17时—20时之间,均不得播出境外动画片和介绍境外动画片的资讯节目或展示境外动画片的栏目 [3]。长久以来省级电视台在每天17时-20时之间播出国外动画的历史将就此告终。对这一陪伴八十年出生的一代成长起来的内容产品,风靡中国大地达数十年之久,却少有人注意其研究价值。


培养分析是起源于20世纪60年代由George Gerbner主持的一项研究,通过研究,Gerbner等人认为电视变成为了美国社会的核心文化武器,认为“电视机已经变成家庭的关键成员”,长期收看电视严重影响着电视受众的信息资源、意识和观念 [4]。因此我们认为,大众传媒提示的“象征性现实”对人们认识和理解现实世界发挥着巨大影响,由于大众传媒的某些倾向性,人们在心目中描绘的“主观现实”与实际存在的客观现实之间正在出现很大的偏离。同时,这种影响不是短期的,而是一个长期的、潜移默化的、“培养”的过程,它在不知不觉当中制约着人们的现实观。[5] 日本动画从70年代末被引入中国,伴随那个年代出生的一代成长起来,特别是在那个时期,这一代人的学习能力处于最强的时期,心智逐渐成长并发展成熟。尤其是中小学生在学习的业余时间,基本上大量时间都是在接触电视,而收看的最主要节目也通常都是动画。根据培养理论可知,在中国青年的成长过程中,日本动画对其意识形态、文化价值观和审美等都是有着一定程度的影响的。

“刻版成见”(Stereotyping)的概念是由Walter Lippmann首次提出的,最初用以描述人们基于自身的种族特性对其他人做出的评价。传播学中的刻版成见指的是人们对特定事物所持有的固定化、简单化的观念和印象,它通常伴随着对该事物的价值评价和好恶的感情 [6]。在跨文化传播中,刻版成见有着不可忽视的作用。主要体现在:刻版成见通常会使我们接受一个被广泛流传的观点,即便事实上这个观点很有可能是错误的;长期地接受和使用某一种刻版成见可能使这种成见得到巩固和加强 [7]。尽管中国青年从小开始接触日本动画,但是由于同时接受更集中和刺激更强烈的爱国主义教育,尤其是关于日本侵华战争的教育,难免会形成一种对于日本文化的固有的排斥心理和刻版成见,而且这种刻版成见并不一定能被日本动画传达的关于日本文化中美好的元素所扭转。




第三类是针对日本动画在中国的盛行对中国人的文化影响所做的调查研究,比如中国青年报1996年所做的“中国青年对日本的认识调查”,但是由于问卷本身的严重倾向性,这项调查虽然影响广泛却在研究方法上有着极大的缺陷;也有如香港大学Poon Man Wai的 Cultural Globalization? The Contemporary Influence of Japanese Animation on Hong Kong Teenagers,但是问卷完全撇除了侵华战争对中国青年产生的影响,仅仅从文化生活方面分析日本动画对中国青年的生活方式的影响;也有如Yang Wang的 The Dissemination of Japanese manga in China: The Interplay of Culture and Social Transformation in Post Reform Period,这项研究教系统地分析了日本动画在过去的几十年里对中国动画市场的占领,以及中国青年对日本动画的态度,却少有分析中国青年在刻版成见的作用下对日本动画的接受程度,以及对产生文中所谓“double-fold image”的原因缺乏深层次的分析。



Humour (also spelled humor) is the ability or quality of people, objects, or situations to evoke feelings of amusement in other people. The term encompasses a form of entertainment or human communication which evokes such feelings, or which makes people laugh or feel happy. The origin of the term derives from the humoral medicine of the ancient Greeks, which stated that a mix of fluids known as humours (Greek: χυμός, chymos, literally: juice or sap, metaphorically: flavour) controlled human health and emotion.。

A sense of humour is the ability to experience humour, a quality which all people share, although the extent to which an individual will personally find something humorous depends on a host of absolute and relative variables, including geographical location, culture, maturity, level of education, and context. For example, young children (of any background) particularly favour slapstick, such as Punch and Judy puppet shows. Satire may rely more on understanding the target of the humour, and thus tends to appeal to more mature audiences.。

Styles of humour。


Black comedy

Caustic humour 。

Droll humour





Mockery, such as the Darwin Awards 。



Self-irony / Self-deprecation 。

Wit, as in many one-liner jokes 。







Form-versus-content humour 。


Surreal humour or absurdity 。

Practical joke: luring someone into a humorous position or situation and then laughing at their expense 。

Techniques for evoking humour。

Humour is a branch of rhetoric, there are about 200 tropes that can be used to make jokes.。


Figure of speech 。

Humorous triple and paraprosdokian 。


Syllepsis (zeugma) 。


Understatement 。

Inherently funny words with sounds that make them amusing in the language of delivery 。

Irony, where a statement or situation implies both a superficial and a concealed meaning which are at odds with each other. 。


Adages, often in the form of paradox "laws" of nature, such as Murphy's law or lemon law 。

Stereotyping, such as blonde jokes, lawyer jokes, racial jokes, viola jokes. 。

Sick Jokes, arousing humour through grotesque, violent or exceptionally cruel scenarios. Soldiers in the field of battle often use 'trench humour' to keep morale up in appalling circumstances. 。


Word play





Exaggerated or unexpected gestures and movements 。

Character driven, deriving humour from the way characters act in specific situations, without punchlines. Exemplified by The Larry Sanders Show and Curb Your Enthusiasm. 。

Clash of context humour, such "fish out of water" 。

Comic sounds

Deliberate ambiguity and confusion with reality, often performed by Andy Kaufman 。

Unintentional humour, that is, making people laugh without intending to (as with Ed Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space) 。

Funny pictures: Photos or drawings/caricatures that are intentionally or unintentionally humorous. 。

Sight gags

Visual humour[citation needed]: Similar to the sight gag, but encompassing narrative in theatre or comics, or on film or video. 。

Understanding humour。

Some claim that humour cannot or should not be explained. Author E. B. White once said that "Humour can be dissected as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the pure scientific mind." However, attempts to do just that have been made.。

The term "humour" as formerly applied in comedy, referred to the interpretation of the sublime and the ridiculous. In this context, humour is often a subjective experience as it depends on a special mood or perspective from its audience to be effective. Arthur Schopenhauer lamented the misuse of the term (the German loanword from English) to mean any type of comedy.。

Language is an approximation of thoughts through symbolic manipulation, and the gap between the expectations inherent in those symbols and the breaking of those expectations leads to laughter (This is true for many emotions, and is not limited to laughter)[citation needed]. Irony is explicitly this form of comedy, whereas slapstick takes more passive social norms relating to physicality and plays with them[citation needed]. In other words, comedy is a sign of a 'bug' in the symbolic make-up of language, as well as a self-correcting mechanism for such bugs[citation needed]. Once the problem in meaning has been described through a joke, people immediately begin correcting their impressions of the symbols that have been mocked. This is one explanation why jokes are often funny only when told the first time.。

Another explanation is that humour frequently contains an unexpected, often sudden, shift in perspective. Nearly anything can be the object of this perspective twist. This, however, does not explain why people being humiliated and verbally abused, without it being unexpected or a shift in perspective, is considered funny - ref. The Office.。

Another explanation is that the essence of humour lies in two ingredients; the relevance factor and the surprise factor. First, something familiar (or relevant) to the audience is presented. (However, the relevant situation may be so familiar to the audience that it doesn't always have to be presented, as occurs in absurd humour, for example). From there, they may think they know the natural follow-through thoughts or conclusion. The next principal ingredient is the presentation of something different from the audience's expectations, or else the natural result of interpreting the original situation in a different, less common way (see twist or surprise factor). For example:。

“ A man speaks to his doctor after an operation. He says, "Doc, now that the surgery is done, will I be able to play the piano?" The doctor replies, "Of course!" The man says, "Good, because I couldn't before!" ”

The Simpsons is noted for using this technique many times to evoke humour. Former show runner David Mirkin often refers to it as the “screw-you-audience” joke. A prime example is in the episode "And Maggie Makes Three", wherein Patty and Selma are about to expose the secret of Marge's pregnancy:。

Selma: (Looking at the very beginning of the phonebook) "Hi Mr. Aaronson, I'd like to inform you that Marge Simpson is pregnant."。

Selma: (Looking exhausted at the very end of the phonebook) "Just thought you'd like to know, Mr. Zackowski. There! Aaronson and Zackowski are the town's biggest gossips. Within an hour, everyone will know.。

Both explanations can be put under the general heading of "failed expectations". In language, or a situation with a relevance factor, or even a sublime setting, an audience has a certain expectation. If these expectations fail in a way that has some credulity, humour results. It has been postulated that the laughter/feel good element of humour is a biological function that helps one deal with the new, expanded point of view: a lawyer thinks differently than a priest or rabbi (below), a banana peel on the floor could be dangerous. This is why some link of credulity is important rather than any random line being a punchline.。

For this reason, many jokes work in threes. For instance, a class of jokes exists beginning with the formulaic line "A priest, a rabbi, and a lawyer are sitting in a bar..." (or close variations on this). Typically, the priest will make a remark, the rabbi will continue in the same vein, and then the lawyer will make a third point that forms a sharp break from the established pattern, but nonetheless forms a logical (or at least stereotypical) response. Example of a variation:。

“ A gardener, an architect, and a lawyer are discussing which of their vocations is the most ancient. The gardener comments, "My vocation goes back to the Garden of Eden, when God told Adam to tend the garden." The architect comments, "My vocation goes back to the creation, when God created the world itself from primordial chaos." They both look curiously at the lawyer, who asks, "And who do you think created the primordial chaos?" ”

In this vein of thought, knowing a punch line in advance, or some situation which would spoil the delivery of the punchline, can destroy the surprise factor, and in turn destroy the entertainment value or amusement the joke may have otherwise provided. Conversely, a person previously holding the same unexpected conclusions or secret perspectives as a comedian could derive amusement from hearing those same thoughts expressed and elaborated. That there is commonality, unity of thought, and an ability to openly analyse and express these (where secrecy and inhibited exploration was previously thought necessary) can be both the relevance and the surprise factors in these situations. This phenomenon explains much of the success of comedians who deal with same-gender and same-culture audiences on gender conflicts and cultural topics, respectively.。

Notable studies of humour have come from the pens of Aristotle in The Poetics (Part V) and of Schopenhauer.。

There also exist linguistic and psycholinguistic studies of humour, irony, parody and pretence. Prominent theoreticians in this field include Raymond Gibbs, Herbert Clark, Michael Billig, Willibald Ruch, Victor Raskin, Eliot Oring, and Salvatore Attardo. Although many writers have emphasised the positive or cathartic effects of humour some, notably Billig, have emphasised the potential of humour for cruelty and its involvement with social control and regulation.。

A number of science fiction writers have explored the theory of humour. In Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert A. Heinlein proposes that humour comes from pain, and that laughter is a mechanism to keep us from crying. Isaac Asimov, on the other hand, proposes (in his first jokebook, Treasury of Humor) that the essence of humour is anticlimax: an abrupt change in point of view, in which trivial matters are suddenly elevated in importance above those that would normally be far more important.。

Approaches to a general theory of humour have generally referred to analogy or some kind of analogical process of mapping structure from one domain of experience onto another. An early precursor of this approach would be Arthur Koestler, who identified humour as one of three areas of human creativity (science and art being the other two) that use structure mapping (then termed "bisociation" by Koestler) to create novel meanings[1]. Tony Veale, who is taking a more formalised computational approach than Koestler did, has written on the role of metaphor and metonymy in humour[2][3][4], using inspiration from Koestler as well as from Dedre Gentner´s theory of structure-mapping, George Lakoff´s and Mark Johnson´s theory of conceptual metaphor and Mark Turner´s and Gilles Fauconnier´s theory of conceptual blending.。

Humour evolution。

As any form of art, humour techniques evolve through time. Perception of humour varies greatly among social demographics and indeed from person to person. Throughout history comedy has been used as a form of entertainment all over the world, whether in the courts of the kings or the villages of the far east. Both a social etiquette and a certain intelligence can be displayed through forms of wit and sarcasm.18th-century German author Georg Lichtenberg said that "the more you know humour, the more you become demanding in fineness".。



1.Neo-Nazi Skin。

(new-nazi skin新纳粹skin,sometimes called White Power 有时也被称为白色力量):Racist (种族主义) & highly political (高度的政治性).。

2.SHARP Skin

(SkinHead Against Racial Prejudice, skinhead反抗种族偏见) & ARA (Anti-Racist Action 反种族主义运动) Skin:Political (政治性) Aggressively anti-racist (强硬的反种族主义者) . Considered a response to mass media’s stereotyping of skinheads as racist (作为对媒体约定俗成的Skinhead 都是种族主义者的看法的一种最好的回应!).。


(after the Trojan records label 传统的,以Trojan 唱片公司商标为标志的)or Original Skin (原始的,最初的Skin):This group closely identifies itself with the original skinhead movement (“The Spirit of 69”),maintaining working class pride. This is the largest segment of the subculture. (这是一群最接近60年代skinhead兴盛时期的skins,以身为工人阶级而自豪。他们主张维护早期skinhead的文化和信仰。)

4.1990年组织成立以美国为首的“英美同盟统一党” ,1996年就成为全美第一大民族主义武装,达到30万人。1999年美国成立的“斯特联盟”,在欧美、亚洲等地都有斯特联盟党的分布,成员在50万人左右,在2006年就超过了70万人. 还有1993年由维特组建的“国家布什维克党“,2007年达到76万人,现在超过100万人 .。




1、要记住光头党的外表特征。首当其冲的标志当然是那些锃亮的光头,这是最明显的特点。其次,是清一色的黑色服装。通常是带黑色短皮夹克,黑色皮裤,带很多金属拉链;有时也穿黑色牛仔裤,迷彩服或黑色长风衣。沉重的黑色“虎狗头”式军用皮鞋,常带金属鞋头。佩带军用皮带。光头党徒活动时总是三五成群,招摇过市,只要稍加留意就能在人群中发现他们。这时千万要避免和他们目光对视,尽快避开。切记:锃亮的光头、凶恶的眼神,黑色带金属链条的皮衣,皮鞋、带织标志。美国的光头党有很多的小团体,其标志也五花八门。最常见的是德国纳粹的“万字”符或是一个经过加工的白色拳头。此外还有古代克尔特人的十字型符号、骷髅头、球棒等等。还有一些对光头党来说有特殊含义的数字,字母文字,如88,SS,0i,14 words 等等,都要引起注意。这些标志说明附近经常有光头党活动,大家要提高警惕,相互告之,并尽可能不去这些地方。


3、注意光头党活动的周期性。每年的4月20日—纳粹头子希特勒的生日前后是光头党活动最猖狂的时期,1999年4月20日发生在美国丹佛科伦拜恩校园的枪击案, 造成25人死亡、23人受伤,两名主犯均为希特勒式纳粹的崇拜者和模仿者。尤其是3月份最为危险。以上提到的恶性事件多发生在这一时间。进入五月份,基本上光头党活动的高峰期就过去了,可以放心出游,尽情享受大自然的美好风光。但是从二月末到五月初,应尽量避免不必要的外出,尤其是上面提到的那些光头党活动较频繁的地方。

4、美国的光头党不同于一般的有排外情绪的美国流氓暴徒,他们有组织的活动正在逐步演变成一种新纳粹群体的政治运动。通常情况下,文明的举止、得体的着装、温和的表情都可以帮助我们避免很多不必要的冲突。可是对光头党来说,黝黑的皮肤、东方人的面孔就是进攻的理由,而且他们人多势众,个个凶狠残暴,又有铁棒或铁链等凶器在手,所以一旦被他们认定为袭击的目标,手无寸铁的无辜者多半在劫难逃。我们郑重提醒同胞们在三、四月份光头党活动高峰期内,应尽量减少外出;如必须外出,也不要乘地铁或电气火车等公共交通工具,尽可能开车或乘坐出租车外出。不要去现场体育比赛和流行音乐会现场,不要参加游行集会等活动。 俄罗斯曾在2006年前也存在所谓的光头党,但由于普京上任之后发布一些改革和措施,得到了群众和海外华人的大力支持,很快光头党就在06年销声匿迹了;同时,为推动经济的发展,普京于2009年10月13日下午访问中国双方未来30年的天然气合作项目将是此次议事日程的重中之重,此前,由于报价分歧,中俄一直未能就天然气合作达成协议。随普京同日来华的,还有副总理谢钦。据外交部发言人刘为民表示,谢钦此行主要是参加中俄能源谈判代表工作会晤,根据两国元首达成的共识,双方将努力在2015年将双边贸易额提高到1000亿美元,到2020年提高到2000亿美元。2011年时双边贸易已恢复到2008年金融危机前水平。2011年1-7月,中俄双边贸易额同比增长37.4%,达到422亿美元,预计全年将首次突破700亿美元。




On August 6th, 2003, the audience attending the Tonight Show recieved a direct witnessing of an historic, jaw-dropping occasion: the announcement of candidacy for the California governorship by former bodybuilder and current movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mr. Schwarzenegger ("Arnie" as the media likes to call him) smiled for the camera, waved a massive American flag, and gave what amounted to a full-on political speech, peppering it with catchphrases from his blockbuster hits.。

Of course, it would only be fitting that Schwarzenegger throw his Loden Huete into what history will likely call "That Electoral Orgy of Whackjobs and Maniacs". But unlike some of the other quasi-candidates like Gary Coleman and Gallagher, "Ah-nold" has had his eye on political office for a significant period of time.。

Born in 1947 in Austria, Arnold was the son of Gustav and Aurelia Schwarzenegger. Gustav was.... well, here we run into a problem. Gustav was a commandant in what most people usually call "The Nazis". But aside from the fact that Arnold could probably track us down and beat the living shit out of us (even in his 60's), it's not exactly clear how much of a "Nazi" Gustav really was. As most people scurrying up the tree to escape Unpleasant Truth will point out, you really couldn't be working in any authoritative capacity in Germany in the 1940's and not be affiliated with the Nazis. Whether Gustav considered his job an opportunity for some world-class oppression or a paycheck to pay for his two boys Arnold and Meinhard is lost to time.。

At 15, Arnold was disenchanted by soccer and describes a sense of "power" when looking at bodybuilders, a vision that inspired him to begin weight training. By all accounts (and Jesus Christ, look at him) he took on this task of self-improvement with zeal and consistency, winning awards as "Junior Mister Europe" (which required he go AWOL from his army post to compete) and the non-junior "Mr. Europe." These awards started coming into his resume while he was still in his teens.。

It was during this formative period that Schwarzenegger began to discover the joys of sex. As he recounts in his 1983 autobiography Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder, the teenager's love-'em-and-leave-'em attitude received the enthusiastic approval of his father (although not his mother):。

I used to feel that women were here for one reason. Sex was simply another kind of exercise, another body function. I was convinced a girl and I couldn't communicate on equal footing because she wouldn't understand what I was doing. I didn't have time to take one girl out regularly and go through a normal high-school romance with all its phone calls and notes and squabbles. That took too much time. I needed to be in the gym. For me it was a simple matter of picking them up at the lake, and then never seeing them again.。


Eventually there was a split between my parents about me. My mother obviously knew what was going on with me and the girls my friends lined up. She never came out and said anything directly, but she let me know she was concerned. Things were different between me and my father. He assumed that when I was eighteen, I would just go into the Army and they would straighten me out. He accepted some of the things my mother condemned. He felt it was perfectly all right to make out with all the girls I could. In fact, he was proud I was dating the fast girls. He bragged about them to his friends. "Jesus Christ, you should see some of the women my son's coming up with." He was showing off, of course. But still, our whole relationship had changed because I'd established myself by winning a few trophies and now had some girls. He was particularly excited about the girls. And he liked the idea that I didn't get involved. "That's right, Arnold," he'd say, as though he'd had endless experience, "never be fooled by them." That continued to be an avenue of communication between us for a couple of years. In fact, the few nights I took girls home when I was on leave from the Army, my father was always very pleasant and would bring out a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses.。

His name first shows up on the pop culture radar with his title of "Mr. Universe" at the age of 20. Considered one of the world's top bodybuilders, he soon found himself appearing in a number of films and documentaries related to the gentle art of holding big things aloft.。

Calling himself "Arnold Strong", he started to get small parts in Hollywood films, including Stay Hungry and The Villain. If we were feeling particularly ungenerous, we might mention his first starring role in the weightsploitation flick Hercules in New York (also released as Hercules Goes Bananas). In most of his film appearances, he used his significantly stunning physique to project a sense of menace or childlike innocence brought forth to a hulk-like rage.。

And "film appearances" are the key words here, because if there's one thing that everyone agrees on, it's that Arnold has issues with the language of English. His distinctive pronunciation of lines in his movies and his general penchant for short catchphrases has been a great route to stardom, but it does not mean that listening to him speak for a sustained period of time is quite as entertaining. Luckily for Arnold, he has had a number of film directors who have had the talent to work with this issue. As a result, his breakthrough hit as a strong, mostly silent robot in The Terminator (1984) and his just-on-the-cusp-of-success Conan films (1982 and 1984) relied on an extreme lack of dialogue. In the case of Terminator, thespian Schwarzenegger speaks a mere 17 lines of dialogue (sixteen different phrases, one twice) and imitates the voice of two other actors. The rest of the film relies on the skill of the director and the ability of the other actors to skitter around Arnold's considerable presence. For extra fun, be sure that when you rent and listen to his early movies, you get the dubbed versions, where it wasn't considered box office candy to let Arnie speak with his regular voice.。

From these relatively humble beginnings, Schwarzenegger's star continued to climb to breathtaking heights, and he became one of Hollywood's most bankable leading actors. Along the way, he also recieved a bit of a reputation as someone that was very easy to piss off if your media product presented him in a less than stellar light. While the Rotten Library isn't concerned about losing that big interview with the Mogul of Muscle, many others wavered in reporting non-positive stories. Report something bad about Arnie, and you'd have a similar amount of difficulty getting his smiling face on your cover and an actual, in-person interview with him. As a result, Arnold has more than the usual "scuttlebutt" surrounding him, either out of spite on the part of reporters, or because it's all true. We won't go into those sorts of rumors here; we hate wearing ties in court.。

It hasn't always been about stardom, movies and press blackouts, of course... since the 1970's, Arnie had fallen in love with and consistently dated reporter Maria Shriver, finally marrying her in 1986. This made him a Kennedy-in-Law, since Maria was the daughter of Eunice Kennedy, sister of Kennedys Robert and John. The match was considered pretty bizzare, since Maria was a member of one of the classic Democrat families, and Arnie a staunch Republican, but who are we to judge. At the Wedding.... oh, damn, there we are with the Nazis again.。

See, Arnold invited Kurt Waldheim to the wedding, who had been a friend of Gustav's (Arnold's father, remember?), and who also happened to be a Nazi. No beating around the bush here; the man was a war criminal, and in fact was banned the year after Schwarzenegger's wedding from entering the United States. Waldheim was unable to attend the wedding, but instead did the right thing and sent along a sculpture of the newlyweds, depicting Arnold hoisting Maria on his shoulders, him dressed in lederhosen and she in a dirndl skirt and laced-up blouse. This spectacularly taste-variant gift inspired Arnold to raise a glass to Waldheim in his absence and propose a toast to him. His support for Waldheim has not diminished with time.。

With this whole Nazi thing lying on him like an ugly golf shirt, Schwarzenegger has taken a number of steps in the ensuing years to make up for it in the eyes of those who would not be fond of Nazis. He has donated millions to the Simon Wiesenthal Center and has, in his words, "begun learning Hebrew". The Wiesenthal Center thinks the world of him now and has given him awards for his generosity.。

Anyway, speaking of sudden and unwarranted rises to power.... Arnold started visiting the White House as something other than a highly noticed movie star when he signed on as chairman of the President's Council of Physical Fitness in the 1990 Bush White House. This august body, which had been first chaired by Richard M. Nixon in 1956, turned out to be a nice way for Arnie to spend an awful lot of time in the corridors of power. Between urging America's astoundingly fat children to do the occasional push-up, he must have smelled those plants in the Rose Garden a bit too much, because here and there in the press were mentions by him about interest in politics.。

A 1990 profile in U.S. News and World Report noted Arnold's intensity as Locker Room Czar, and predicted that he would someday run for office. After noting a longstanding desire for political clout ("My relationship to power and authority is that I'm all for it."), the article quotes the actor as saying:。

"People need somebody to watch over them. . . . Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave."。

And hey, if Clint Eastwood can run Carmel, Sonny Bono can run Palm Springs and become a Congressman, and Ronald Reagan can do... whatever the hell he did, who's to say some Austrian with world-class biceps couldn't become Governor, and maybe even President? Oh, that's right, the Constitution.。

There's no constitutional law against foreign-born nationals becoming Governor of California, of course, but there is certainly one against them becoming President of the United States. Article II, Section 1: "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States." This presents a problem for any presidential aspirations for Arnold.。

But don't worry! Our fine lawmakers have made the occasional stab to remove this limitation out from under us.。

In July of 2003, Senator Orrin Hatch introduced a proposed amendment to the constitution to allow anyone foreign born and a resident for twenty years to be eligible for the office of President. Hatch and Schwarzenegger are old friends, and it is widely held that this amendment was a favor, should the governorship turn out to be a potential stepping stone as it was for the previous actor.。

Interestingly enough, Congressman Barney Frank introduced similar legislation in 2000 to remove the natural-born requirement from the presidental rules as well, citing the lack of opportunity given to people who have joined the country and shown throughout their lives to be fine citizens. And even more interesting are the following words between Representative Frank and one of the witnesses during the Judiciary Committee meeting in which the bill was killed, which we'll leave you thinking about:。

Mr. MCDONALD: All right. I could give what I consider the definitive argument against the proposed amendment in two words: Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I have been allotted 5 minutes, so I will take the 5. I will explain the reference, if it does not follow.。

Later in the testimony...]。

Mr. FRANK: Thank you. First, I would ask, Professor McDonald, I assume the reference to Arnold Schwarzenegger was to hold out the terrible prospect that he might get elected President.。


Mr. FRANK: I think what I find is that that shows -- the assumption is that there is no great discretion on the part of the public.。

Mr. MCDONALD: They have elected a number of actors before to high office.。

Mr. FRANK: Yes, they have, and I think they did a reasonable job, given their values. And I think that I am glad you brought it up, because it seems to me what we have here is, in the guise of a defense of the American citizens, a denigration of them; the notion that they somehow cannot be trusted to make these decisions.。


17 Aug 1907 Father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, born.。

1 Mar 1938 Gustav Schwarzenegger joins the Nazi Party, two weeks before Anschluss. At the time, he sported a "Hitler-style moustache." During the war, he fought in France and on the Eastern Front.。

1 May 1939 Gustav Schwarzenegger joins the Sturmabteilung, or S.A. Brownshirts. It should be noted this occurred six months after Kristallnacht. However, Gustav does not appear to have actually held strong anti-Semitic views, and certainly did not participate in any war crimes. He joined primarily because he was a member of civil law enforcement in his town.。

20 Oct 1945 Gustav Schwarzenegger marries Aurelia Jadrny, in Mursteg, Austria.。

17 Jul 1946 Brother, Meinhard Schwarzenegger, born in Austria.。

30 Jul 1947 Arnold Schwarzenegger born in Thal, Austria.。

6 Nov 1955 Maria Shriver, future wife, born, Chicago IL.。

1963 According to an account by Alfred Gerstl, Schwarzenegger helped chase neo-Nazis out of Graz, Austria: "There was a clash and Arnold along with some bodybuilders chased the Nazis down Herrengasse Street," he recalled in the interview published in German last month." (Nu Magazine, a Jewish publication, as reported by the BBC)。

1970 Appears in Hercules in New York, as Hercules. Credited as Arnold Strong.。

20 May 1971 Brother, Meinhard Schwarzenegger, dies in an automobile accident.。

1 Dec 1972 Arnold's father, Gustav, dies in Austria. Buried in Weiz Cemetery, Weiz, Austria.。

1974 "At that point, I didn't think about money. I thought about the fame, about just being the greatest. I was dreaming about being some dictator of a country or some savior like Jesus. Just to be recognized." Rolling Stone。

1975 When author and producer George Butler asked who he admired most, Schwarzenegger replied, "I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education up to power. And I admire him for being such a good public speaker." Butler also makes claims the actor "frequently clicked his heels and pretended to be an S.S. officer" and that he enjoyed playing "Nazi marching songs from long-playing records from his collection at home." New York Times.。

1976 Poses nude for Robert Mapplethorpe at least twice.。

Feb 1977 Arnold Schwarzenegger poses naked in gay magazine After Dark, appearing in 22 photographs shot by Jack Mitchell including the full cover color. The photos selected "combined the very exhibitionist photos for maximum sex appeal to its gay demographic" (Jack Fritscher)。

Aug 1977 Arnold Schwarzenegger gives a candid interview to Oui magazine. "On the exploitation of women: If a girl comes on strong and says, 'I really dig your body and I want to fuck the shit out of you,' I just decide whether or not I like her. If I do take her home, I try to make sure I get just as much out of it as she does. The word exploited therefore wouldn't apply... On getting his knob polished: We had girls backstage giving head, then all of us went out and I won. It didn't bother me at all; in fact, I went out there feeling like King Kong... On homosexuality and bodybuilding: Men shouldn't feel like fags just because they want to have nice-looking bodies. Gay people are fighting the same kind of stereotyping that bodybuilders are: People have certain misconceptions about them just as they do about us. Well, I have absolutely no hang-ups about the fag business."。

1977 Appears in Pumping Iron as himself.。

1978 Receives a painful bikini wax (Reference: Tonight Show with Jay Leno).。

1978 Arnold Schwarzenegger poses naked for talented homosexual photographer Robert Mapplethorpe.。

1982 Appears in Conan the Barbarian as Conan.。

1982 Appears in The Terminator as a robot from the future.。

1982 Arnold Schwarzenegger tells People magazine: "It's so easy to make money here. You know, Franco and I were always laughing at the American people, because they never knew how to use the system - they complain and complain. I'm always seeing Europeans coming over making money and investing."。

Oct 1983 Schwarzenegger's autobiography is released, entitled Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder.。

25 Apr 1986 Marries a Kennedy, Maria Owings Shriver, Hyannisport Maine. Kurt Waldheim was invited, but unable to attend because he is forbidden to enter the United States; a toast was raised to him instead. Waldheim's gift was a supersize sculpture of the bridge and groom, with Arnold in leiderhosen. A reception was held at the Kennedy Compound. Clam chowder permeated the festivities, which was billed as an "Austrian clambake" (note: Austria is a landlocked country.) Mugs created for the occasion state proudly, "Maria and Arnold, April 25, 1986, Chowderheads."。

1987 Future Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger stars in Predator, which features future Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura.。

1988 Appears in Twins as the unlikely twin of Danny DeVito.。

1988 Joins advisory board of U.S. English, a pro-English language organization.。

18 Apr 1989 Arnold Schwarzenegger appears on the cover of the Sun (U.S. tabloid, not the U.K. newspaper), half naked, with a sword. He talks about his dreams.。

1989 President George HW Bush names Arnold Schwarzenegger chairman of the President's Council on Physical Fitness.。

1990 Appears in Kindergarten Cop, where he informs us that, indeed, it is not a tumor.。

1991 Appears in Terminator 2: Judgement Day.。

1991 Receives the National Leadership Award from the Simon Wiesenthal Center.。

1994 Travels to Utah to campaign for Senator Orrin Hatch.。

1996 "Karen, I can't believe your boyfriend stayed with you. My husband wouldn't go near me again. He would leave me, because I would be damaged goods." (Maria Shriver, Arnold's wife, to rape victim Karen Pomer after a Dateline NBC interview. Schwarzenegger's staff denies this, but a witness corroborated Pomer's recollection.) New York Daily News.。

1996 Estimated income: $74M. Forbes。

16 Apr 1997 Arnold Schwarzenegger undergoes elective heart surgery, to replace a damaged aortic valve. While some suggested steroid use as the cause of the defect, it is actually congenital.。

Aug 1998 Arnold Schwarzenegger's mother, Aurelia Jadrny Schwarzenegger, dies in Weiz, Austria.。

1 Oct 1999 In an interview for Talk magazine, Arnold Schwarzenegger admits wanting to run for Governor of California in 2002. "Oh yeah, I think about it many times. ... The possibility is there because I feel it inside. I feel there are a lot of people standing still and not doing enough. And there's a vacuum."。

Apr 2001 Arnold Schwarzenegger meets with Bush political advisers to discuss whether the actor should run for Governor of California in 2002. Karl Rove says "That would be really nice. That would be really, really nice."。

24 Apr 2001 Arnold Schwarzenegger publicly declares he will not run for Governor of California in 2002.。

17 May 2001 Enron CEO Ken Lay meets with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Milken, and 12 other California Republicans at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills. There they share (according to Enron emails) "an insider's conversation of what's going on with the energy situation." Later, du。






















