
问题描述:什么是子女抚养费(child support)? 本篇文章给大家谈谈一个有趣的事情,以及一个有趣的事情,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。









起诉书是指由原诉人向法庭书记员提交的用于陈述诉讼理由(Causes of Action)并提起诉讼程序的文件。在有些州的一些类型的法定诉讼中,如离婚,起诉书又称为“申请书”(Petitions),而提交申请书的一方当事人称为“申请人”(Petitioner)。但原诉人或申请人要提起诉讼,还须向应诉人或答辩人送达起诉书或申请书以及法庭传票,然后应诉人或答辩人可在特定期间内向法庭提交答辩书或应诉书。实际上,目前已很少由律师或当事人自己来制作起诉书了,美国许多州均已开始适用事先准备好的在本州通用的法定表格。









离婚协议书是指即将解除婚姻关系的夫妻双方所签署的、关于财产分割、子女监护与探视、配偶赡养费以及子女抚养费等的书面协议。离婚协议书必须为书面形式,由夫妻双方当事人签字,并经法庭认可,才可成为离婚判决的一部分具有其法定效力。离婚协议书又可称为“Marital Settlement Agreement”、“Marital Termination Agreement”或“Settlement Agreement”。




申请费是指国家公务人员(Public Official)为接收当事人提交的文件以开始某项程序而收取的费用。例如,提请离婚一方当事人必须向法院书记员或行政人员提交申请离婚所需文件以及离婚申请费才可开始离婚程序。






共同监护权是指离婚或分居的父母双方共同抚育其未成年子女的一种子女抚养形式。通常情况下,共同监护权可以是共同法定监护权(Joint Legal Custody),即父母双方共同享有对有关子女问题的决策权的子女抚养形式;也可以是共同生活监护权(Joint Physical Custody),即子女与父母双方分别共同居住大致相同时间的子女抚养形式;也可能是两者兼具的子女抚养形式,但这种情况极少。共同监护权又可称为“Shared custody”。



管辖权是指法院对案件进行审理和裁判的权力或权限。法院要对案件具有管辖权,必须同时满足两个条件:即法院对所涉案件具有“主题管辖权”(Subject Matter Jurisdiction),即法院具有审理该类型的案件的权力,同时,法院还需对案件当事人具有“个人管辖权”(Personal Jurisdiction),即法院具有对诉讼中涉及的当事人作出影响其权利义务的裁决的权力。

婚姻财产是指夫妻任意一方或双方共同在婚姻存续期间积聚所得的大部分财产,在有些州又称为夫妻共有财产(Community Property)。但是,美国各州对于婚姻财产的范畴设定却存在差异,有些州包含了婚姻存续期间的积聚所得的所有财产和收入,而有些州则不包含赠与和继承所得。




无过错离婚是指要求离婚的一方配偶无需证明对方配偶存有过错,而只需简单说明夫妻双方无法继续共同生活便可获取法庭的离婚判决。1969年,美国加州(California)成为美国(乃至西方世界)第一个适用无过错离婚的州,在此之前,获取离婚的唯一方式是证明对方配偶存有过错或因对方配偶的不当行为而导致婚姻完全破裂。一般情况下,准予无过错离婚的理由通常为:无法相处(Incompatibility)、无法协调的差异(Irreconcilable Differences)、或婚姻完全破裂(Irremediable Breakdown Of The Marriage),另外,有些州也将无法治愈的精神疾病(Incurable Insanity)作为准予无过错离婚的一个法定理由。




动产是指可以被移动的财产,即除土地以及其它附着于土地上的建筑物等财产以外的其它所有财产,如汽车、银行账户、工资、有价证券、小型公司、家具、保险单、珠宝、专利权、宠物等,动产也可用英语表述为Personal Effects、Movable Property、Goods And Chattel、Personalty等。与动产相对应的是不动产(Real Estate)。






婚前协议是指将要结婚的男女双方为结婚而签订的、于婚后生效的具有法定约束力的书面协议。制定婚前协议的主要目的是对双方各自的财产和债务范围以及权利归属等问题实现作出约定,以免将来离婚或一方死亡是产生争议。婚前协议又称为“prenuptial agreement”。



不动产是指土地以及其它永久附着于土地上的财产,如建筑物、房屋、固定式活动房屋、树木等。不动产也可称作“Real Property”,另外,与不动产相对应的为“动产”(Personal Property)。



个人财产是指在夫妻共有财产制州,完全属于夫妻一方所有和控制的财产。在夫妻双方离婚时,个人财产将仍然属于该所有人一方配偶所有,而无需根据当事人所在州的相关财产分割法律进行分割。通常情况下,个人财产包括夫妻一方在婚前取得的所有财产、通过继承或赠与的方式获取的财产,同时个人财产还包括附属于这些财产而产生的收益。与个人财产向对应的是夫妻共有财产(Community Property)。


单独监护权是指在父母双方分居或离婚的情况下,仅由一方父母享有对子女的生活和法定监护权,而另一方父母享有对子女的探视权(Visitation Rights)的子女抚养安排。


简易离婚是指无需通过法庭的听证审理即可获取离婚判决的法定程序。因此,与普通离婚(Regular Dissolution)比较起来,简易离婚比较简捷、经济,但是并非所有的当事人都可以选择简易离婚程序来解除婚姻关系,因为简易离婚程序不仅存在严格的适用条件,同时该程序也存在诸多的限制之处,如简易离婚程序对当事人婚姻存续期间、子女、以及夫妻双方的个人财产和婚姻财产都具有严格的限制,同时,选择建议程序解除婚姻关系的当事人必须放弃获取配偶赡养费以及其它法庭指令的权利。




共同所有财产是一种仅适用于已婚夫妻的联合所有财产形式,这种财产所有制形式与联合共有(Joint Tenancy)非常相似,同样包含有生存配偶的继承权,也就是说,当夫妻一方死亡时,另一方生存配偶将取得该项财产的所有权,但这种财产所有形式在美国仅有半数州适用。




6、Common law marriage。


8、Contempt of court。




14、Defined benefit plan。

15、Defined contribution plan。



A term used instead of divorce in some states. 。

18、District court。


20、Divorce agreement。

21、Family allowance。

22、Family court。

23、Fault divorce。



24、Filing fee

25、Foreign divorce。


Intentionally deceiving another person and causing her to suffer a loss. Fraud includes lies and half-truths, such as selling a lemon and claiming "she runs like a dream."。

27、Gift taxes

Federal taxes assessed on any gift, or combination of gifts, from one person to another that exceeds $11,000 in one year. Several kinds of gifts are exempt form this tax: gifts to tax-exempt charities, gifts to your spouse (limited to $110,000 annually if the recipient isn't a U.S. citizen) and gifts made for tuition or medical bills. In addition to the $11,000 annual gift tax exclusion, there is a $1 million cumulative tax exemption for gifts. In other words, you can give away a total of $1 million during your lifetime -- over and above the gifts you give using the annual exclusion -- without paying gift taxes.。

28、Grounds for divorce。

29、Group life or group health insurance。



32、Irreconcilable differences。

33、Irremediable or irretrievable breakdown。

34、Joint custody。

35、Joint tenancy。



38、Marital property。

39、Marital settlement agreement/Marital termination agreement。


41、Marriage certificate。

42、Marriage license。

43、Martial misconduct。

See fault divorce。



See mediation




49、No-fault divorce。

50、Notary public。

A licensed public officer who administers oaths, certifies documents and performs other specified functions. A notary public's signature and seal is required to authenticate the signatures on many legal documents.。


An attestation that one will tell the truth, or a promise to fulfill a pledge, often calling upon God as a witness. The best known oath is probably the witness’ pledge “to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” during a legal proceeding. In another context, a public official usually takes an “oath of office” before assuming her position, in which she declares that she will faithfully perform her duties.。


53、Order to show cause。


A retirement fund for employees paid for or contributed to by some employers as part of a package of compensation for the employees' work. Pensions became widespread during the Second World War, when they were commonly used as lures because there were more jobs than workers.。

55、Personal property。



58、Physical custody。



61、Premarital agreement / Prenuptial agreement。

62、Qualified domestic relations order(QDRO)。

63、Quasi-community property。

64、Quitclaim deed。

65、Real estate 。

66、Real property。


68、Restraining order。

69、Retirement benefits。

70、Right of survivorship。

71、Separate property。


73、Shared custody。

74、Sole custody。

75、Split custody。

76、Spousal support。

See alimony

77、Summary judgment。


78、Superior court。

79、Supreme court。

79、Surviving spouse。

A widow or widower。

80、Tangible personal property。

81、Temporary restraining order(TRO)。

82、Tenancy by the entirety。

83、Tenancy in common /Tenants in common。

84、Uncontested divorce。

85、Visitation rights。


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This looks like the year that hard-pressed tenants in California will get relief-not just in the marketplace, where rents 。

have eased, but from the state capital Sacramento.。


Two significant tenant reforms stand a good chance of passage. One bill, which will give more time to tenants being 。

evicted (逐出),will soon be heading to the governor’s desk. The other, protecting security deposits, faces a vote in 。

the Senate on Monday.两个显著的租户改革方案拥有一个很好的通过机会。一项法案规定给租户被驱逐更加宽缓的时限,并将很快呈上管。


For more than a century, landlords in California have been able to force tenants out with only 30 days’ notice. That 。

will now double under SB 1403, which got through the Assembly recently The new protection will apply to renters who have 。

been in an apartment for at least a year.。



Even 60 days in a tight housing market won’t be long enough for some families to find at apartment near where their 。

kids go to school, But it will be an improvement in cities like San Jose where renters rights groups charge that 。

unscrupulous (不择手段的) landlords have kicked ou tenants on short notice to put up rents.。

尽管60天在一个住房紧张的市场之中对于有些家庭要就近找到房子租用以方便孩子上学也是不够长的时限,但是这一举措将是像San Jose。


The California Landlords Association argued that landlords shouldn’t have to wait 60 days to get rid of problem 。

tenants. But the bill gained support when a Japanese real estate investor sent ou 30-day eviction notices to 550 families 。

renting homes in Sacramento and Santa Rosa. The land lords lobby eventually dropped its opposition and instead its forces 。

against AB 2330, regarding security deposits.加州业主协会也认为房东们没有必要紧守这种规定用60天来摆脱问题租户。但是当一个。


对关于保证金的AB 2330法案的反对意见。

Sponsored by Assemblywoman Carole Migden of San Francisco, the bill would establish; procedure and a timetable for 。

tenants to get back security deposits.旧金山Assemblywoman Carole Migden主办的法令将被建立;按照程序走,提出一个能使租户拿。


Some landlords view security deposits as a free month’s rent, theirs for the taking. In mos cases, though, there are 。

honest disputes over damages-what constitutes ordinary wear and tear. 一些房东把保证金看作是一个免费月的租金,这是属于他。


AB 2330 would give a tenant the right to request a walk-through with the landlord and to make the repairs before moving 。

out; reputable landlords already do this. It would increase the penalty for failing to return a deposit.。

AB 2330号法令会提供每一个租户与房东协商解决问题以及在搬出去之前修补房屋破损的权力;某些信誉良好的业主一向是如此处理此类问。


The original bill would have required the landlord to pay interest in the deposit. The landlords lobby protested that it 。

would involve too much paperwork over too little money-less than $10 a year on a $1,000 deposit, at current rates. On 。

Wednesday, the sponsor dropped the interest section to increase the chance of passage.。


1000美元的保证金收取低于10美元显得太少了。 (即没有必要进行增加利息的讨论)星期三,主办者放弃了利息讨论这个环节以便促成整。


Even in its amended form, AB 2330 is , like SB 1403 , vitally important for tenants and should be made state law.。

即使法案AB 2330和SB 1403正经修订,对租户来说仍然是至关重要的,应该被编入州法。



Wembley Stadium is a football stadium in Wembley, London, England. With 90,000 seats the stadium has the second largest capacity in Europe. By area it is the largest roof-covered football stadium in the world,[citation needed] and stands opposite Wembley Arena. It is often refered to as "New Wembley" to distinguish it from the original stadium at the same site.。

The previous Wembley Stadium (originally known as the Empire Stadium) was one of the world's most famous football stadiums, being England's national stadium for football, and because of the geographical origins of the game was often referred to as "The Home of Football". It hosted the European Cup (now the UEFA Champions League) final a record five times, and is one of seventeen stadia to have held a FIFA World Cup final. In 2003, the original structure was demolished and construction began on the new stadium, originally intended to open in 2006. This was later delayed until early 2007. The final completion date of the stadium came on 9 March 2007, when the keys to the stadium were handed over to The Football Association.。

The first match staged at the new stadium was an under-21 international between England and Italy on March 24 2007. The match finished 3-3. The official attendance was 55,700 (although all of the 60,000 tickets that were made available were sold in advance). This now stands as the record for the largest under-21 attendance ever. The first person to score at the new Wembley Stadium was Mark Bright, during a charity match on the Community Day on March 17. The first footballer to score in a FIFA sanctioned match was Italian striker Giampaolo Pazzini after 28 seconds of the first game between England U21 and Italy U21. Pazzini went on to score twice more in the second half of the match making him the first person to score a hat-trick at Wembley Stadium since Paul Scholes for England in 1999. This gives Pazzini two other records, the fastest goal scored at Wembley (old or new stadium) and the first person to score a hat-trick at the new Wembley. The first English player to score in a full-scale match was David Bentley with a free kick in the same game. Kidderminster Harriers striker James Constable was the first player to score a goal in a final at the new Wembley in the FA Trophy Final against Stevenage Borough on May 12 2007. Stevenage were the first team to win a final at the new Wembley beating Kidderminster 3-2 in the FA Trophy Final. Chelsea's Didier Drogba scored the first FA Cup goal at Wembley on 19 May 2007, against Premiership rivals Manchester United.。

Wembley is also to be the venue for the first NFL match hosted outside America, between the Miami Dolphins and the New York Giants, on 28 October. The first 40,000 tickets sold out in just 90 minutes.。





[edit] 1619: Foundation: The College of God's Gift at Dulwich。

Founder's Day at Dulwich College is celebrated at the end of the Summer Term to commemorate the signing of the letters patent by James I on 21 June 1619 authorising Edward Alleyn to establish a college in Dulwich to be called 'the College of God's Gift, in Dulwich in Surrey'. [1] The term Dulwich College was used colloquially from that date, such as in 1675 when John Evelyn described his visit to Dulwich College in his diary[2]. However, for at least 263 years this colloquialism was incorrect as the school was part of the overall charitable Foundation. [3] Edward Alleyn, as well as being a famous Elizabethan actor, was also a man of great property and wealth, derived mainly from places of entertainment including theatres, bear-gardens[4] and brothels[5]. All of these ventures were legitimate at the time and rumours that Alleyn turned his attention towards charitable pursuits out of fear for his moral well-being have been traced to the journalist George Sala and discredited.[4] Since 1605, Alleyn had owned the manorial estate of Dulwich, and it may have been around this time that he first had the idea of establishing a college or hospital for poor people and the education of poor boys. [1] The building on Dulwich Green of a chapel, a schoolhouse and twelve almshouses, began in 1613 and was completed in the autumn of 1616. On September 1, 1616 the chapel was consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury who became the official Visitor. However, Edward Alleyn faced objections from Francis Bacon, the Lord Chancellor, in getting the patent of incorporation that was necessary to secure the Foundation's status as a college. It was Alleyn's persistence that led to the foundation being endowed by James I’s signing of the letters patent. [1]。

The charity originally consisted of a Master, Warden, four fellows, six poor brothers, six poor sisters and twelve poor scholars who became the joint legal owners of Alleyn’s endowment of the manor and lands of Dulwich, collectively known as the Members of the College.[1] The poor brothers and sisters and scholars were to be drawn from the four parishes which were most closely tied to Alleyn (being St Botolph's Bishopsgate where he was born, St Giles, Middlesex where he had built his Fortune Theatre, St Saviour's Southwark where he had the Paris Bear Garden, and St Giles Camberwell where the College was founded)[6]. The business of the charity was conducted in the name of these thirty members by the Master, Warden and four Fellows (Chaplain, Schoolmaster, Usher and Organist). [3]。

Alleyn drew upon the experience of other similar establishments in order to formulate the statutes and ordinances of the College (including borrowing the statutes of the already ancient Winchester College and visiting the more contemporary establishments of Sutton's Hospital (now Charterhouse School) and Croydon's Hospital (now Whitgift School))[7]. Amongst the many statutes and ordinances signed by Alleyn that pertained to the charitable scheme were provisions that the scholars were entitled to stay until they were eighteen. And to be taught in good and sound learning’…’that they might be prepared for university or for good and sweet trades and occupations. [8] Another stipulation was that the Master and Warden should always be unmarried and of Alleyn's blood, and surname, and if the former was impossible then at least of Alleyn’s surname.[9] Alleyn also made provision that the people of Dulwich should be able to have their men children insructed at the school for a fee as well as children from outside Dulwich for a separate fee.[9]。

The next two centuries were beset by both external difficulties such as diminshing financial fortunes and failing buildings as well as internal strife between the various Members of the College over problems both major and minor. The Official Visitor, the Archbishop of Canterbury, whose function was to see that the statutes were obeyed, was called in many times to sort out these issues.[10] The lack of a disinterested body of governors and having no official connection to the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge contributed significantly to the school not fulfilling Alleyn's vision in its first two centuries.[11] Some notable Masters did preside over the College in this time including James Allen (the first Master to drop the 'y' from his surname) who in 1741 made over to the college six houses in Kensington, the rents fo which were to be used in the establishment of two little schools in Dulwich, one for boys from the village, the other for girls to read and sew, from which James Allen's School for Girls arose.。

[edit] 1808: Dulwich College Building Act。

Having already obtained an Act in 1805 allowing them the to enclose and develop 130 acres of common land within the manor, the College was granted the power by the 1808 Dulwich College Building Act to extend the period of which leases ran from twenty-one years as laid down by Alleyn, to eighty-four years, thus attracting richer tenants and bringing in vast sums of money.[11] The additional wealth of the College eventually resulted in the Charity Commission setting up an enquiry into the advisability of widening the application of the funds to those extra beneficiaries Alleyn had specified in later amending clauses to the foundation's original statutes. Although the Master of the Rolls, Lord Langdale rejected the appeal in 1841 on the grounds that Alleyn had no right to alter the original statutes, he did express dissatisfaction with the college's provision of education.[12] Immediately following this criticism, the Dulwich College Grammar School was established in 1842 for the education of poor boys from Dulwich and Camberwell. To this school were transferred the boys of the James Allen Foundation, leaving James Allen's school to be for girls only. The Old Grammar School, as it became known, was erected in 1841 opposite the Old College, having been designed by Sir Charles Barry, the architect of the Palace of Westminster. It still exists today.[13] The foundation scholars of the College, however, continued to receive an education far short of Alleyn's vision despite further attempts at reform by the Visitor. In 1854, the College was investigated by a new Commission set up by the 1853 Charitable Trusts Act and the scheme resulting from their investigation led to the 1857 Dulwich College Act. [14]。

[edit] 1857: Alleyn's College of God's Gift。

The 'College of God's Gift' became Alleyn's College of God's Gift when, on 25 August 1857 the Dulwich College Act dissolved the existing cooperation and the charity was reconstituted with the new name. When the charity was reconstituted in 1857 it was split into two parts with a joint Board of Governors: the educational (for the college) and the eleemonsynary (for the charity). The Master, Warden, four fellows and 12 servants were pensioned off although Alleyn's wishes were, and continue to be respected, as sixteen pensioners (being the equivalent of 12 poor brothers and sisters plus four fellows) still live in flats in the Old College looked after by a Warden. As for the Master, he was to still be appointed as the head of the new school. The Master of the College in this new form was Reverend Alfred Carver (Master from April 1857 to April 1883), he was also the first Master not to share the name of the school's founder "Alleyn" (or latterly "Allen"). [14] The educational college was split into an Upper and Lower school. The Upper school was for boys between 8 and 18 to be taught a wide and detailed syllabus and continued to be colloquially referred to as Dulwich College[15]. The Lower school being for boys between 8 and 16, with lower fees and a syllabus aimed at children of the industrial and poorer classes. The Lower School was the incorporation of the boys from the grammar school established in the previous decade[14] and was referred to as Alleyn's College of God's Gift, although this was the name of the complete charitable foundation. [3] During the 1860s, when the Old College was under repair and the New College had yet to be built, both the Upper and Lower schools were housed in the building of Dulwich College Grammar School.。

[edit] 1870: The New College。

It was during the decades immediately following the reconstitution that the College started establishing its identity as one of the great public schools. Dulwich College was included in Howard Staunton's 1865 book, The Great Schools of England. who wrote of the unusually comprehensive [scheme of instruction] and by the mid 1860s such was the enhanced reputation of the school that the pressure for places led to the introduction of a competitive examination. [16] In the summer of 1869 the upper school took possession of the current site, referred to as the New College, but it was not until Founder's Day (June 21) 1870 that the new college was officially opened by the Prince and Princess of Wales.[17] The new college buildings, sited in the 60 acres of Dulwich Common, were designed by Charles Barry, Jr. (the eldest son of Sir Charles Barry). [18]The lower school alone continued to occupy the Old College in Dulwich Village from 1870 until it was moved to its new (and current) premises in 1887.[3]。

The present school colours and school magazine were established in the 1860s and 1870s, as were school societies such as Debating and Natural Science. [19]. By the time Canon Carver retired from the position of Master in 1882 Dulwich College was said to have expanded more rapidly in the previous 25 years than any other establishment[20] and to be holding its own at universities, to have won a large number of places of honour in the Indian and Home Civil Service and at the Royal Military College of Woolwich and to be well represented amongst the pulic schools medals of the Royal Geographic Society and the prizes of the Art Schools of the Royal Academy.[21]。

[edit] 1882: Dulwich College separated from Alleyn's School。

Despite its growing reputation, the College was the focus of pressure by the Charity Commissioners and other parties (including the Board of Governors and the outlying parishes named in Edward Alleyn's will) to reorganise it and divert much of its endowment to other schemes. The Master, Canon Carver, resisited these pressures for many years finally winning an appeal in 1876 at the highest possible point (the Privy Council) where Lord Selbourne ruled in his favour. In 1882, the Charity Commissioners finally issued a scheme which Canon Carver found acceptable. This passed into law by Act of Parliament and resulted in the Upper and Lower schools being officially split into separate institutions. The Upper School became Dulwich College (officially for the first time) and the Lower became Alleyn's School.[22] Both schools remained within the Alleyn's College of God's Gift charitable foundation (along with James Allen's Girls' School, St Olave's and St Saviour's Grammar School, and the three Central Foundation schools in Finsbury and Bishopsgate). Two Boards of Governors came into being. Both Dulwich College and Alleyn's School were to be managed by the College Governors who also administered the Chapel and Picture Gallery. The Estates and Almshouses were placed in the hands of the Estates Governors. It is under this arrangement that the Foundation and the College are still governed. By this scheme, the Archbishop of Canterbury's position as Visitor was also changed to that of Honorary Visitor of Alleyn's College of God's Gift, his powers being vested in the Charity Commissioners[23]. Dulwich College's income is derived from the contributions made to it by the Estates Governors, among whom the College Governors are well represented (having eight of the twenty five places)[24] Canon Carver retired at this point, being the first headmaster to be both appointed and retired by Act of Parliament.[25]。







1. Li Xiangjun 李香君 (1990) The Legend of Lee Heung Kwan。

2. Xiao tou a xing 小偷阿星 (1990) Sleazy Dizzy。

3. Daai jeung foo yat gei 大丈夫日记 (1988) Big Husband's Diary (literal English title)。

4. Ou ran 偶然 (1986) Last Song in Paris。

5. Daai hap sam sing yi 大侠沈胜衣 (1983) Big Hero Sink Able to Wear Clothes (literal English title)。

6. Feng kuang ba san 疯狂八三 (1983) Mad Mad 83。

7. The Enchantress 妖魂 (1983)。

8. Huan hua xi jian 浣花洗剑 (1982) The Spirit of the Sword。

9. Ri jie 日劫 (1982) Descendant of the SUN。

10. Liu xiao feng zhi jue zhan qian hou 陆小凤之决战前后 (1981) Duel of the Century (International: English title)。

11. Shu Jian en chou lu 书剑恩仇录 (1981) The Emperor and His Brother。

12. Ying xiong wei lei 英雄无泪 (1981) Heroes Shed No Tears (International: English title)。

13. Cha chi nan fei 插翅难飞 (1980) Iron Chain Assassin。

14. Die xian 碟仙 (1980) Haunted Tales。

15. Mo jian xia qing 魔剑侠情 (1980) Return of the Sentimental Swordsman。

16. Wu yi bian fu 无翼蝙蝠 (1980) Bat Without Wing。

17. Kong que wang chao 孔雀王朝 (1979) Murder Plot。

18. Xiao lou can meng 小楼残梦 (1979) The Forbidden Past。

19. Bian fu chuan qi 蝙蝠传奇 (1978) Legend of the Bat。

20. Xiao shi yi lang 萧十一郎 (1978) Swordsman and Enchantress。

21. Xiu hua da dao 绣花大盗 (1978) Clan of the Amazons (International: English title)。

22. Yi tian tu long ji 倚天屠龙记 (1978) Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre。

23. Chu liu xiang 楚留香 (1977) Clans of Intrigue (International: English title)。

24. Pai yu lao hu 白玉老虎 (1977) Jade Tiger。

25. San shao ye de jian 三少爷的剑 (1977) Death Duel。

26. To ching chien ko wu ching chien 多情剑客无情剑 (1977)。

27. Liu xing hu die jian 流星蝴蝶剑 (1976) Killer Clans。

28. Tien ya, ming yueh tao 天涯明月刀 (1976) The Magic Blade。

29. Wu du tian luo 五毒天罗 (1976) The Web of Death。

30. Da jie an 大劫案 (1975) The Big Holdup。

31. Xin ti xiao yin yuan 新啼笑因缘 (1975) Lover's Destiny。

32. Wu yi 舞衣 (1974) Sex, Love, and Hate。

33. Xianggang qi shi san 香港73 (1974) Hong Kong 73。

34. Zhu men yuan 朱门怨 (1974) Sorrow of the Gentry。

35. Qi shi er jia fang ke 七十二家房客 (1973) The House of 72 Tenants。

36. Xiao za zhong 小杂种 (1973) The Bastard。

37. Ya yu xia yang 烟雨斜阳 (1973) Haze in the Sunset。

38. Ai nu 爱奴 (1972) Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan。

39. Bi hu 壁虎 (1972) The Lizard。

40. Da sha shou 大杀手 (1972) Sacred Knives of Vengeance (USA)。


1. Ou ran 偶然 (1986) Last Song in Paris。

2. Pai yu lao hu 白玉老虎 (1977) Jade Tiger。

3. San shao ye de jian 三少爷的剑 (1977) Death Duel。

4. Xin ti xiao yin yuan 新啼笑因缘 (1975) Lover's Destiny。

5. Wu yi 舞衣 (1974) Sex, Love, and Hate。

6. Xianggang qi shi san 香港73 (1974) Hong Kong 73。

7. Zhu men yuan 朱门怨 (1974) Sorrow of the Gentry。

8. Qi shi er jia fang ke 七十二家房客 (1973) The House of 72 Tenants。

9. Bi hu 壁虎 (1972) The Lizard。


1. Yuk lui tim ding 玉女添丁 (2001) Dummy Mommy, Without a Baby (International: English title)。

2. Jing zhuang nan xiong nan di 精装难兄难弟 (1997) Cho Wood Yau。

3. Heung gong fa yuet ye 香江花月夜 (1995) Small LeeFragrant River Flower Moon Night (literal English title)。

4. Pi li huo 霹雳火 (1995)。

5. Xin nan xiong nan di 新难兄难弟 (1993)。

6. Qian mian tian wang 千面天王 (1992)。

7. Shuang long hui 双龙会 (1992)。

8. Haomen yeyan 豪门夜宴 (1991)。

9. Kei bing 奇兵 (1990)。

10.Lie xue feng yun 烈血风云 (1990) A Bloody Fight。

11.Meng gui hu li jing 猛鬼狐狸精 (1989) Return of the Evil Fox。

12.Qiji 奇迹 (1989) Black Dragon,Miracle。

13.Xiao xiao xiao jing cha 小小小警察 (1989) Little Cop。

14.Ging chaat goo si juk jaap 警察故事续集 (1988) Jackie Chan's Police Story。

15.Lan du ying xiong 烂赌英雄 (1987) Born to Gamble。

16.Yuan Zhen-Xia yu Wei Si-Li 原振侠与卫斯理 (1986) Dr. Yuen and Wisely。

17.Ging chaat goo si 警察故事 (1985) Jackie Chan's Police Force。

18.Xue er 雪儿 (1984)Cher, Last Victory。















《天涯明月刀》(Tien ya, ming yueh tao)IMDB编号:0075329。


类型:动作 / 剧情



编剧:倪匡 / 古龙

其他影片别名:The Magic Blade。

演员表: 罗烈



元华 .... (uncredited)。

















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