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South African □material 。

Geography: Is located African big □most 南端, □from 22 to 35, □□17 to 33,North □□Mi Pi?, Botts tile □, Tianjin Pakistan cloth □, Mozambique and Si Waste □, □, south, west three □Indian Ocean and Atlantic. Seacoast □□2,954 kilometers. Surface □1.221038 million square kilometers. South Africa is composed by three kind of terrains: One is in □the plateau, two is □in □the plateau leads to the seacoast □pitch belt; In □□kind of terrain □the land sector □□steep slope belt, the steep slope belt is South Africa □also □□terrain. The South African steep slope belt altitude above sea level 因地而异, □the basalt covers □□standard Fei Erp'o about the place 1,500 meters to praises ancestor □that he but saves □the mountain (Drakensberg) 3,482 meters. The South African plateau in □steep slope belt is north the Sahara Desert big non- plateau terrain south extends. The typical African plateau characteristic is □□plain, elevation average □1,200 meters. Surmounts the South African plateau belt, is □the gallery distinct mountain □, □represents the terrain by Shan?? Soto. General □□, the steep slope belt is the plateau terrain is highest □. In the big steep slope belt and the seacoast □□, are a □width □80 to 240 kilometers □, south the terrain, with □60 to 80 kilometers western terrains. Is easy distinguishes □at least to have three □terrains: □□plateau pitch belt, □Pu mountain valley (and neighbor) region, west □plateau pitch belt. 。

Capital: 比勒 陀 advantage □(Pretoria) □administrative capital, population 1.2 million; □普敦 (Cape Town) □legislation capital, population 1.1 million; Bloemfontein (Bloemfontein) □judicial capital, population 460,000. 。

□by □: Is big because of □Africa □south acquires fame 。

□difference: With center □□difference: □□late 6 □is smaller than □(GMT+2) Beijing。

Nationality: Population □4, 00.01 million,Divides the black, the Caucasian, the colored person and □the continent person four big races, divides □accounts for □the population 76.7%, 10.9%, 8.9% and 2.6%. The black mainly has the ancestor □, the branch □, Si Waste, the tribulus tile □, north Soto, south Soto, □Canada, Wen?, kindness □□and so on 9 □clans and tribes, mainly uses Ban??. The Caucasian mainly is the Dutch □blood □Arab League non- advantage card person (□accounts for 57%) (□to account for 39%) with the English □blood □Caucasian, □word □Arab League non- advantage card □with England □. The colored person □3.79 million, is colonizes □the time Caucasian, 土著人 and the slave □mixes the blood person descendant, mainly uses the Arab League non- favorable card □. □the continent person □1.09 million, mainly is the Indian (□accounts for 99%) and □the person.。

Religion: The Caucasian, mostly □the colored person and 60% black believes in the Christianity protestantism or Catholicism; □the continent person □60% believes in Hinduism, 20% believes in Iraqi Si?chiao; The partial blacks believe in the primitive religion. 。

□word: Some 11 kind of official □word, England □and Arab League non- advantage card □(South African Holland □□) □general □word.。

□□: The element has "the rainbow □" America □, also has □the gold □, the world □□□□。

□□: Rand (□especially)。

□flowerThe king spend (Protea)。

□history background: The earliest indigenous inhabitant is Sang Jen, 科伊 the person and latter □south □Ban?jen. After 17 th □, the Dutch □people, the English □person □invasion certainly □□colony to □does not push □. 19 th □center □, Caucasian □governing establishment four □politics □bodies: □□English □colony, □Pu, □tower □colony; □□cloth □person republican □, German □gentleman tile South Africa republican □and □□governs 自由邦. 1,899 - 1902 the English cloth □□□□won by the English □people considers □. In 1910 four □political □merges □"South African □nation", Cheng?ying □autonomous □, latter withdrew from the English □nation to 1961 May 31, established South Africa republican □. The South African □bureau □time in □□legislates and the administrative method carries out the race 歧 □and the racial segregation policy, after in 1948 □the people party □politics, comprehensively carried out the racial segregation system, □□the South African people's revolt fought □, encountered □□society □□□and sanction. In 1989, after De Clerck took the post of □the people party □sleeve and □□, carried out the political reform, cancels □the black liberated □□the prohibition rule and □puts person and so on Mandela. In 1991, non- □was big, the South African government, □the people party and so on 19 sides □sentences on a political solution □South Africa □□□line of party, and □crossed arrangement □Cheng?? in 1993 on politics. In 1994 4 - in May, the South African □line did not divide the race for the first time in a big way □, by the non- □big □head non- □big, the South African altogether □party, the South African labor □big □tripartite □pledge by 62.65% many □□victories, Mandela took the post of the South African first elected blacks □□, non- □was big, □the people party, because the card tower Liberal Party □becomes the national □□government. □□date □on April 27, also □□law date, free date.。

As a result of South African □southern hemisphere, therefore climate Ji? and Northern Hemisphere are exactly opposite, every year in June, July are South Africa's winter, in December and in January □summer. South Africa as a result of various seasons climate □and, throughout the year all is the clear and boundless sky, therefore the whole year is not divided the four seasons to be suitable for to travel, but has □□light □Yu?lieh. The climate □is □□the Pu half □Mediterranean Sea type climate □to praises the ancestor □seacoast □□□the climate, but in □north □□□is the steppe climate. South Africa's sunshine Si?? your letter □Si Pao 265 days □cross to the German class 197 days.。

South Africa □30 □about Gao?? □□, the climate □warm, dry also □the light is abundant; Three □seas terrain □South Africa climates □have also lived some shades □, (Agulhas) the warm current and west seacoast Ban Kueila (Benguela) the cold current especially is bright by □seacoast Arab League ancient Russ □. □the seacoast German class (Durban) and west the seacoast moves Lowes (Nolloth) □close, but □the city average year □difference at least has 6°C are many. South Africa's seacoast □many □strength □□, west of south coast and south coast much worse.。

South Africa's gas □has three big characteristics, first, South Africa was mad □compared to with □place □like North Africa and Australia □lowly, □mainly is because South Africa's elevation teaches high □therefore. South Africa was mad □the second big characteristic is □however South Africa □north to the south □a difference □to 13, but the entire □each place □average year was mad □is same, □is flower。。。。。。。。

英语阅读翻译 要自己翻译的的相关图片

英语阅读翻译 要自己翻译的

"seabed 20,000 miles" write in 1870, is verne famous trilogy second, 。

first is "captain grant's children", third is "mystical island".。


 this work narrates french biology scholar aaron to accept si in the sea。

deep place travel story. this matter occurs in 1866, at that time 。

marine had discovered was concluded for unicorn's big monster, he 。

accepts the invitation participation to capture, in captures in the 。

process to fall in the water unfortunately, qiu to on monster 。

backactually this monster by no means any unicorn, but is a structure 。

marvelous underwater ship. the underwater ship is captain nepal touches 。

in the ocean on a desert island the secret construction, the hull is 。

firm, use sea electricity generation. nepal touches captain to invite 。

aaron to accept si to make the seabed travel。they embark from the 。

pacific ocean, the process coral island, indian ocean, the red sea, 。

mediterranean sea, enter atlantic, sees to in many rare sea vivid plants。

and the water strange picture, also experienced has reached a deadlock,。

the aborigine besieges, with the shark fight, iceberg feng road, the 。

octopus attack and so on many dangerous situations. finally, when the 。

underwater ship arrives the norwegian seacoast, aaron accepts si to 。

leave without saying good-bye, knows him the seabed secret announcement 。

in the world.

this work has concentrated verne science fiction 。

all characteristics. winding tense, confusing plot, the fast changing 。

character destiny, the rich exhaustive scientific knowledge and the 。

detail lifelike wonderful fantasy melt in a stove. the author has a 。

special inventive mind, the ingenious layout, in the long travel, 。

thrusts from time to time the reader the dangerous environment which is 。

surrounded by perils, from time to time takes into fills the rich in 。

poetic and artistic flavor wonderful boundary; the mammoth scene 。

description and enters the micro detail portray to appear in turn 。

carefully. reads fascinatingly, wants to stop but cannot. in the verne 。

work fantasy all take the science as the basis, in many works describes 。

the science fantasized all can realize in today. more importantly in his。

work fantasy bold novel, and by its lifelike, vivid, the beautiful like。

picture makes one read the interest abundantly. his work plot thrilling。

winding, the character lifelike, the result is beyond expectation. all 。

these enable his work to have the eternal charm.。





徐雪球 张登明 范迪富 吴曙亮 刘志平。





1 地质历史时期的海侵与海岸线。


1.1 早更新世中期


1.2 中更新世早期


1.3 晚更新世早期


1.4 晚更新世早期


1.5 全新世


2 新石器时期海岸变迁(距今约6000年前后)


3 历史时期海岸变迁

3.1 夏商时期


3.2 秦汉时期(约距今2000年前后)


图1 苏中东部地区全新世以来海岸变迁图。

3.3 隋唐时期(距今约1200年前后)


3.4 北宋时期(距今约900年前后)


3.5 明清时期(1368~1911)


4 近代海岸变迁




5 现代海岸稳定性及演变趋势


5.1 川水港—东灶港岸段



5.2 东灶港—蒿枝港岸段


5.3 蒿枝港—连兴港岸段


6 结束语






















Seacoast Variation and Evolution in the Central to East Part of Jiangsu Province since Quaternary。

Xu Xueqiu, Zhang Dengming, Fan Difu, Wu Shuliang, Liu Zhiping。

(Jiangsu Institute of Geological Survey, Nanjing 210018)。

Abstract: Complicated seacoast variation and evolution have taken place since Quaternary in central to east part of Jiangsu Province.Capacious seashore plain was formed by the eastward moving of the shoreline and the estuary of the Yangtze river, and alluvion encroaching the continent. The seashore variation at present time is taking into affects in the exploration and using of the resources in tidal flat belts and the production of the ports. The authors analyzed the seacoast variation and evolution since Quaternary based on the Quaternary transgression, relics of human activities, historical documents and remote sensing images.。

Key words: Central to east part of Jiangsu Province; Quaternary; Seacoast belt; Variation。










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